Federal Employee Probationary Employee Rights

By John V. Berry, Esq., www.berrylegal.com

Probationary Period

This article discusses federal employee probationary rights. Probationary employee rights can be a confusing subject for most federal employees. The rights that these types of employees have can also be unclear or not fully explained by federal agencies to employees.  This article hope to clear this area of law up for federal employees that may be in their probationary status.

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Avoid Politics in the Federal Workplace

By John V. Berry, www.berrylegal.com

The 2019 primaries and 2020 national elections are approaching soon. Our law firm often represents and defends federal employees in Hatch Act violation cases. The Hatch Act was meant to curtail partisan political involvement for federal employees. There are certain restrictions that prohibit certain political conduct, both on-duty and off-duty. As these elections approach, this article is meant to help federal employees avoid the problems of committing potential Hatch Act violations.   Continue reading