Harassment Claims for Congressional Employees

By John V. Berry, Esq., www.berrylegal.com

We represent and advise congressional employees in the filing of Congressional Office of Compliance (OOC) complaints against congressional agencies / employers under the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 (CAA). Given the recent news accounts involving congressional employees and their sexual harassment claims, it is important for congressional employees who have been harassed to obtain legal counsel to advise and/or represent them given the complexity of the congressional process. There are specific guidelines for filing and adjudicating a complaint under the CAA. Our law firm has handled CAA cases since 1999.

Furthermore, in light of recent news it is highly likely that there will be many more claims involving sexual harassment and/or retaliation under the CAA from congressional staffers or other employees who have previously been discouraged from asserting their claims. The OOC has recently published a list of their settlements and awards. Our updated article on the Office of Compliance and process for dealing with sexual harassment (and discrimination) claims follows:

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