OPM Proposes Changes to Allow Clear Record Agreements and Other Civil Service Issues

By John V. Berry, Esq., www.berrylegal.com

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has just issued new proposed regulations to rescind many of the prior Administration’s federal employee rule changes. The changes by OPM were those put into motion earlier this year when the President revoked Executive Order 13839 by signing Executive Order 14003. The President, in Executive Order 14003, directed OPM to suspend, revise, or rescind actions implementing Executive Order 13839.

OPM’s new rules will likely be fully implemented as soon as the short comment period is over.  The changes will eliminate the clean record settlement ban, alter performance-based actions, revise probationary period notices, and change a few other personnel issues for federal employees. By far, the most crucial change is the ability for federal agencies to enter into clear record settlements with federal employees in cases.